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Rika Markel below.

Yep, it's that easy:)

Here are some questions for you so you can prepare and get the most out of your time with Rika.

  • The Law Of Attraction always works, it doesn't matter if you like it, believe it or not. What did you attract so far?
  • If you can hold it in your head, you can hold it in your hand. What do YOU hold in YOUR head?
  • The laws of the universe should be taught in schools.
  • Your results never lie.
  • If I can do it, YOU can too.
  • There is nothing impossible in this world.
  • Everything started with a thought in some ones head. What is YOUR legacy?
  • Your thoughts create your reality, YOU are only one thought away.
  • You can never out perform the vision that you have of yourself.

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